What Matters!

It feels as if we are being buffeted from pillar to post almost on a daily basis by the extraordinary events that are occurring both at home and around the world. At this current time, these are mainly centred around the multitude of economic challenges at play and how best to tackle the rough waters ahead. The media are having a field day.

Chaos reigns and there looks to be no end in sight. We’ve come through several difficult challenges over the last few years and for some it has been draining. I’m sure there will be a lot of talk about current events between friends and family, as well as down the pub and in restaurants. We all have an opinion. These events will blow away, the economy and the investment markets will pull through as this is what typically happens.

Looking at this through a different lens there are so many things that are out of our control. Although it is not always easy to do it is best to focus on the things that we can control, by aligning the use of our capital to what is important to us.

By capital I mean what we do with our time, what we spend our money on, and where we focus our energy and attention. This is a challenge because we are constantly getting blown off course and distracted. It’s human nature.

Furthermore, how do we know and identify what is important to us? I believe most of us struggle with this because being busy (as well as the media scaremongering) detracts us from giving this sufficient thought. Our “why” and purpose is often getting overlooked.

For many of us, and for most of the time there is a gap between how we use our time, money, energy and attention and how we know deep down we want to use it. We all have blind spots and we can help each other by calling out on these.

We regret the things we don’t do more than the things we do. So amongst all the mayhem and chaos it is best to focus on the things that matter and the things we can control.